Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Technically, ear wax is known as cerumen. It is secreted naturally in the outer ear canal by special glands, and
slowly moves out  to clear away dust and debris  that enters  the ear.  It also acts  to keep  the skin  lining  the canal
lubricated and  to protect  it  from water and other  irritants. The ear  is designed  to be self-cleaning, and attempts to
clean it may pack the wax down hard on the eardrum or damage the ear canal. 
Ear wax may cause problems if excess is produced, the wax is too thick, the ear canal is narrow,
or the person
works in a dusty and dirty environment. When wax builds up on the eardrum, it cannot transmit vibrations on to the
inner ear, and so causes varying degrees of deafness, itching, and sometimes pain. Water entering the ear during
bathing or swimming may cause the wax to swell. 
In babies, cerumen is rarely removed. If essential, itmay be removed by suction or fine forceps, but syringing is
only done in older children and adults. The use of wax-softening drops (eg. docusate sodium) may be necessary to
facilitate the removal of particularly large or hard accumulations of wax. 
Ear wax normally causes no problems, and merely fulfils its cleaning role, but sometimes an infection may start
in the skin of the outer ear canal under the wax causing significant pain.

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