Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Bed wetting  (enuresis)  is a medical problem  that makes businessmen dread overnight  trips  to a  conference,
causes marriages  to break up, stops  teenagers  from spending  the night at a  friend’s, and drives  the mothers of
some children to desperation. 

Normally, urine  is  retained  in  the bladder by  the contraction of a  ring shaped bundle of muscle  that surrounds
the bladder opening. When one wishes to pass urine, this ring of muscle relaxes, and the muscles in the wall of the
bladder and around the abdominal cavity, contract to squirt the urine out in a steady stream.
Those who are bed wetters, tend to sleep very deeply, and during the deepest phases of this sleep, when all the
main muscles of  the body are  totally  relaxed,  the sphincter  ring muscle  that  retains  the urine  in  the bladder, also
relaxes. Because there is no associated contraction of the muscles in the bladder wall or elsewhere, the urine just
dribbles out slowly in the night, not in a hard stream.
Many children may be three or four years old before bladder control is obtained. 
The  first  step  is  to  investigate  the  patient  to  exclude  any  cause  for  bed  wetting.  Chronic  urine  infections,
structural abnormalities of the bladder, and other rarer conditions may cause a weakness or excessive irritability of
the bladder. These problems must be excluded by urine tests and x-rays.
In  children  lifestyle  stresses  (eg:  family  break  up, moving  home,  hospital  admission),  social  pressures  (eg:
poverty,  overcrowding,  lack  of  privacy)  and  excessively  strict  toilet  training may  cause  psychological  barriers  to
bladder control. Mental subnormality may make it impossible for a child to learn the reasons for bladder control.
Other  uncommon  possible  causes  include  diabetes  mellitus  (lack  of  insulin  production  in  the  pancreas),
diabetes insipidus, epilepsy, paraplegia, Bartter syndrome, spina bifida or a fracture of the pelvis.
A number of very rare brain disorders may also cause enuresis.
There are several steps in any treatment regime for this condition, but do not start before five years of age. They
  - restrict fluids for three hours before bedtime, take child to the toilet during the night, and
establish a reward system for dry nights.
  - a bed-wetting alarm that consists of a moisture-sensitive pad that is placed under the patient, a
battery  and  an  alarm. When  it  becomes wet  from  the  first  small  dribble  of  urine,  it  sounds  the
alarm,  the  patient  is woken,  and  can  empty  the  bladder  before  returning  to  sleep. After  a  few
weeks use, most people learn to waken before the alarm. 
  - amitriptyline (Tryptanol) is taken every night to alter the type of sleep. Over a few weeks, the
dosage is slowly lowered and hopefully, the bad sleep habits and bed-wetting do not return.
  - desmopressin nasal spray or tablets at bed time acts on the pituitary gland in the brain, and this
instructs the kidney to reduce the amount of urine produced during the night.
  - psychotherapy in the most resistant cases.
Please remember that premature treatment can cause permanent sleep disturbances in a child, but there are no
serious long-term medical consequences from bed wetting.

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