Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Diarrhoea is the frequent and excessive discharge of watery fluid from the bowel. Diarrhoea is really a symptom
of disease rather than a disease itself.
Absolutely  everyone  experiences  diarrhoea  at  some  time.  The  ten  metres  of  an  adult  human  gut  is  very
sensitive  to  irritants, and any  irritation of  the  lower half, particularly  the  last  two metres    (the  large  intestine), will
result in diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea may be considered by a patient to be the more frequent passing of motions that are softer than usual,
but to be medically significant, the motions must be at least part liquid and be passed more than four times a day.
Diarrhoea  can  be  caused  by  conditions  of  the  intestine,  or  diseases  outside  the  gut  that  alter  the  body’s
chemistry or other functions.
By  far  the  most  common  cause  of  diarrhoea  is  a  viral  infection  of  the  intestine  (viral  gastroenteritis).  This
infection is passed from one person to another by close contact or on the breath, and usually occurs in epidemics,
often  in  springtime.  The  usual  symptoms  are  six  to  twelve  hours  of  vomiting  followed  by  one  to  three  days  of
diarrhoea, and painful gut spasms usually occur. 
Food poisoning is due to bacteria, or a toxin produced by bacteria, being present in food. The diagnosis is most
strongly  suspected when  a whole  family  or  group  of  people  is  affected  simultaneously.  The  symptoms  and  the
severity of  the attack will depend upon  the bacteria  causing  the poisoning,  the amount eaten, and  the age and
general health of the victim. Most attacks of food poisoning occur abruptly, within eight hours (and often one or two
hours) of eating  the contaminated  food, but some  types may  take up  to 24 hours  to give symptoms. The patient
suddenly starts vomiting, and has explosive diarrhoea associated with intermittent belly pain.
Bacterial gastroenteritis is usually more severe than the viral form, and includes infections by bacteria such as
Shigella, Salmonella  typhi  (causes typhoid) and Yersinia. These are usually  responsible  for  the  “Delhi belly” and
“Montezuma’s  revenge”  suffered  by  travellers  to  less  developed  countries.  Vibrio  cholerae is the bacteria
responsible for cholera, the most severe of the bacterial gut infections. 
Giardia lamblia is a microscopic animal that can easily enter the body and cause an infection (giardiasis) in the
small intestine. It passes from one person to another by poor personal hygiene. The condition is far more common
in children than adults, who may have no symptoms.
Other common intestinal causes of diarrhoea in babies include lactose intolerance (a reaction to the sugar in
milk), food allergies (eg. eggs, milk, chocolate, peanuts), intussusception (an infolding of the gut on itself), surgery
to  shorten  the  intestine  (prevents adequate absorption of  fluids), and strangely severe constipation may actually
present as diarrhoea because liquid faeces from further up the bowel can seep around the outside of a large faecal
mass in the rectum that is impossible to pass through the anus.   
There are many medications that may have diarrhoea as a side effect. Examples include antibiotics (particularly
penicillin),. Over use of laxatives will naturally result in diarrhoea.
There are dozens of other rare causes of diarrhoea.
Faeces may be examined to determine the cause, along with blood tests and sometimes colonoscopy and x-
Treatment involves determining and treating the cause if possible. Mild attacks are dealt with by diet and fluids,
more serious ones require medication  to slow  the  flow, and severe attacks may need  fluids  to be  replaced by an
intravenous drip.
Dehydration is the main complication, and the risk is much greater in children under five years of age.

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