Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Diphtheria is a childhood respiratory infection that is now rare in developed countries. 
It  is  caused  by  infection  of  the  throat  and  trachea  (the  tube  leading  to  the  lungs)  by  the  bacterium
Corynebacterium diphtheriae that releases a toxin that is responsible for most of the symptoms and complications.
It spreads from one person to another in the breath, and the incubation period is two to seven days.

Symptoms  include  a  sore  swollen  throat,  fever,  nasal  discharge,  hoarse  voice,  overwhelming  tiredness,
weakness and muscle aches. A thick, grey, sticky discharge forms a membrane across the throat that the patient
constantly  fights  to  clear.  The  diagnosis  is  confirmed  by  throat  swabs,  and  heart  involvement  by  an
electrocardiograph (ECG).
Rapid, early treatment is critical and involves diphtheria antitoxin injection, antibiotics (kill the bacteria but do not
remove the toxin), and medications to control or prevent complications. In severe cases a tracheotomy (cut into the
front of the throat) is performed to allow air into the lungs. 
Diphtheria can be  totally prevented by vaccination. These vaccinations were  first  introduced  in  the 1930s.  It  is
normally  given  in  combination  with  the  tetanus  vaccine  (and  sometimes  other  vaccines)  at  two,  four,  six  and
eighteen months of age, then at four years and every ten years through life.
Severe cases may affect the heart, nose, skin and nerves. Survivors may be affected for life by damage to the
heart or lungs.
The death rate varies from 10% to 30%, and most deaths occur within the first day or two. Survivors improve in
a few days, but must be kept at rest for at least three weeks to prevent complications, as it will take this time to for
all the toxin to be removed from the body.

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