Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Tonsillitis,   pneumonia,   cystitis,   school   sores   and   conjunctivitis   all   have   one   thing   in   common  -   they   are   all
caused by bacteria. Bacteria are not all bad. They are essential for the production of many foods, from wine and
beer to mature cheese and yoghurt.

    Bacteria are microscopic single celled organisms that are between 0.3 and 10 microns in length. A thousand
microns make one millimetre, or a micron is 0.0000001 of a metre. Bacteria are everywhere in the environment in
extraordinarily vast numbers. Every gram of soil contains between 1,000,000,000 and 20,000,000,000 bacteria, as
well   as   10,000,000   to   50,000,000   fungi,   about   20,000   algae   and   100   to   1000   protozoa   and   other   single   celled
organisms. Amazingly, eight out of every ten cells in our bodies is actually a bacterium, and there are between 500
and 1000 different types of bacteria in a person’s body at any time. That means that we are more a bacteria than a
human. The ratios of these bacteria vary from one person to another, and can be as identifying as a fingerprint. It is
obvious that humans evolved with these bacteria and could not survive without them.
    Human       life  would   be   impossible     without    bacteria   as   they   are   essential    for  our   digestive   systems,     the
manufacture   of   some   essential   vitamins,   and   the   good   symbiotic   bacteria   even   fight   of   the   pathogenic   ones.
Sometimes the beneficial bacteria multiply excessively or move to different areas of the body where they become
pathogenic (harmful). For example, the Escherichia coli bacterium is very common, and usually harmless in the gut,
but   in   the   bladder   it   can   cause   a   urinary   infection.   Other   bacteria   (eg.  Mycobacterium   tuberculosis  that   cause
tuberculosis) are always pathogenic.
    Pathogenic bacteria can penetrate into healthy tissues, and start multiplying into vast numbers. When they do
this they damage the tissue that they are infecting, causing it to break down into pus. Because of the damage they
cause, the involved area becomes red, swollen, hot and painful. The waste products of the damaged tissue, along
with the bacteria, spread into the blood stream, and this stimulates the brain to raise the body temperature in order
to fight off the infection. Thus a fever develops.
The body  is  invaded by millions of pathogenic bacteria every day, but very  few ever cause problems because
the body’s defence mechanisms destroy the majority of the invading organisms. The white blood cells are the main
line  of  defence  against  infection. They  rapidly  recognise  an  unwanted  bacteria,  and  large  numbers move  to  the
area  involved  to  engulf  the  bacteria  and  destroy  them.  It  is  only when  these  defences  are  overwhelmed  that  a
noticeable infection develops.
Hundreds of bacteria are known  to microbiologists (the doctors and scientists who study  them), but only a  few
dozen cause significant infections in mankind. All these bacteria have specific names and can be identified under a
microscope by experts who can tell them apart as easily as most of us can identify different breeds of dogs.
Every  species  of  bacteria  (and  fungi,  but  not  viruses)  has  two  names  - a family name (eg: Staphylococcus)
which uses a capital initial letter and comes first, and a specific species name (eg: aureus) that uses a lower case
initial  letter  and  comes  second.  The  golden  staph  bacteria which  causes many  serious  throat  infections  is  thus
called Staphylococcus aureus but may be abbreviated to S.aureus.
When an  infection occurs,  the patient usually  consults a doctor because of  the  symptoms.  If  the  infection  is
bacterial,  the  appropriate  antibiotics  can  be  given  to  destroy  the  invading  bacteria.  Because  different  types  of
bacteria  favour different parts of  the body and  lead  to different symptoms, a doctor can make an educated guess
about the antibiotic to use. When there is any doubt, a sample or swab is sent to a laboratory for expert analysis so
that the precise organism can be identified, together with the appropriate antibiotic to kill it.
Many bacteria, particularly  those  in  the gut, are beneficial  to  the normal  functioning of  the body. They can aid
digestion, and prevent infections caused by fungi (eg. thrush) and sometimes viruses. Unfortunately, antibiotics can
kill  off  these  good  bacteria  too,  and  so  common  side  effects  of  the  use  of  antibiotics  are  diarrhoea,  and  fungal
infections of the mouth and vagina.
The most common bacteria that attack humans, and the diseases they cause, or organs they attack, are listed
Bacillus  Anthrax, tuberculosis.
Bacteroides  Pelvic organs.
Bordetella pertussis  Whooping cough.
Brucella abortus  Brucellosis.
Chlamydia tracholatis  Venereal disease, pelvic organs, eye.
Clostridium perfringens  Gas gangrene, pseudomembranous colitis.
Clostridium tetani  Tetanus.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae  Diphtheria.
Escherichia coli  Urine, gut, Fallopian tubes, peritonitis.
Haemophilus influenzae  Ear, meningitis, sinusitis, epiglottitis.
Helicobacter pylori  Peptic ulcers.
Klebsiella pneumoniae  Lungs, urine.
Kingella kingae  Mouth, throat, joints, bone
Legionella pneumophilia  Lungs.
Moraxella  Nose, ears, eye, lungs.
Mycobacterium leprae  Leprosy.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Tuberculosis.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae  Lungs.
Neisseria gonorrhoea  Gonorrhoea, pelvic organs.
Neisseria meningitidis  Meningitis.
Proteus  Urine, ear.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa  Urine, ear, lungs, heart.
Salmonella typhi  Typhoid fever.
Shigella dysenteriae  Gut infections.
Staphylococcus aureus  Lungs,  throat,  sinusitis,  ear,  skin,  eye,  gut,  meningitis,  heart,
bone, joints.
Streptococcus pneumoniae   Throat, ear, sinusitis, lungs, eye, joints.
Streptococcus pyogenes  Sinuses, ear, throat, skin.
Streptococcus viridans  Heart.
Treponema pallidum  Syphilis.
Vibrio cholerae  Cholera.
Yersinia pestis  Plague.

As a side curiosity, sharks never catch bacterial infections, and medical scientists are still trying to work out why.

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