Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Nursing bottle dental decay or bottle caries is a type of decay associated with prolonged feeding of sugary fluids
from a nursing bottle. Affected children are often put  to bed with a bottle  full of sweetened milk,  juice or cordial,
which remains in their mouth even when   asleep. A dummy dipped in honey is another possible cause.
Sugar  in  the bottle  liquid mixes with bacteria  in  the dental plaque  to  form acids  that attack  tooth enamel. Each
time a sweet liquid is taken, acids attack the teeth for at least 20 minutes. When children are awake, the saliva is
able  to remove some of  the  liquid, however, during sleep,  the saliva  flow decreases and  the sweet  liquids collect
around the teeth for prolonged periods, bathing the teeth in acids.
The earliest appearance of decay is the enamel turning a chalky white colour, usually around the gum line. Then
as more calcium is lost from the tooth, a hole finally appears. In severe cases of bottle caries, the cavities can ring
bark the teeth and cause them to break off. At the early stages, the cavities do not cause pain, but as they enlarge,
increasing discomfort may be experienced and a dental abscesses may result.
Bottle caries may be treated by fillings or extractions, but because most children are not co-operative at such a
young age,  they usually need  to be  sedated. Very often, general anaesthetics have  to be given. When  the milk
teeth  are  lost  early,  the  appearance  and  speech may  be  affected  and  space  for  the  second  teeth may  be  lost.
Dentists often refer such cases to a periodontist (children's dentist) for special management.

The best form of treatment for nursing bottle decay is prevention. Children should not be allowed to sleep with a
bottle of sweet liquid; if a child needs a bottle for comfort before falling asleep, fill the bottle with plain water, milk or
formula, and remove the bottle as soon as the child is asleep. Dummies should never be dipped in honey.
Fluoride supplements should be given if the local water supply is not fluoridated. 

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