Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Chickenpox (varicella)  is a generalised  infection caused by  the virus Herpes zoster.  Infection occurs when  the
virus passes  to another person  from  the  fluid-filled blisters  that cover  the body of patients, or  in  their breath and
saliva. Patients are infectious for a day or two before the spots appear, and remain infectious for about eight days.
The incubation period is 10 to 21 days. 

Early symptoms are similar  to  those of a cold, with a vague  feeling of being unwell, headache,  fever and sore
throat. The  rash usually  starts on  the head or  chest as  red pimples,  then  spreads onto  the  legs and arms, and
develops  into  blisters  before  drying  up  and  scabbing  over.
New spots may develop for three to five days, and it may be
two  weeks  or  more  before  the  last  spot  disappears.  The
diagnosis  can  be  confirmed  by  varicella  antibody  blood
tests, but none are usually necessary.
Treatment  involves  bed  and  home  rest  until  the  patient
feels well, and medications  to relieve  the  itch (eg. calamine
lotion,  antihistamines),  fever  and headache. Children must
be  excluded  from  school  for  at  least  five  days  from  the
appearance  of  the  first  blisters  and  until  all  blisters  have
developed a dry scab.
There  is  a  vaccine  has  been  available  since  2000  to
prevent  the  disease.  One  injection  is  necessary  if  given
between 12 months and 12 years of age, but two injections
six weeks apart in older children and adults.
Complications  are more  common  in  adults,  and  include
chest  infections  and  a  type  of meningitis.  It  is  unusual  for
the  pockmarks  to  scar unless a secondary bacterial
infection occurs. 
Complete  recovery  within  ten  days  is  normal.  Once  a
person  has  had  chickenpox,  it  is  unlikely  (but  not
impossible) that they will ever catch it again.
Once  a  patient  has  had  chickenpox,  the  virus  never  leaves  their  body  but migrates  to  the  nerves  along  the
spinal cord where it remains forever. The virus may be reactivated years later at times of stress to give the patient
the painful rash of shingles.

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