Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Although cow's milk  is part of  the normal diet of most Western nations,  it  is not suitable  for young babies. The
naturally  intended  food  for babies  is breast milk, and a baby who  is not being breastfed must be  fed with special
formulas developed to approximate breast milk, which has more sugar and less protein than cow's milk. 

Provided  the manufacturer's  instructions  are  followed  exactly, most  babies  will  thrive  on  formula.  It  is  quite
wrong  to  think  that  a  slightly  stronger  formula might  give  the  baby more  nourishment.  If  the  mixture  is  made
stronger  than  the manufacturer  recommends,  the baby will get  too much  fat, protein, minerals and salt, and not
enough water.
Milk, especially when at room temperature, is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, and it is therefore essential
that formula is prepared in a sterile environment. Bottles, utensils, measuring implements, teats and anything used
in  the  preparation  of  a  baby's  food must  be  boiled  and  stored  in  one  of  the  commercially  available  sterilising
solutions. Carers should also wash their hands before embarking on preparation. Made-up formula must be stored
in  the  refrigerator.  If  these  precautions  are  not  followed,  the  baby  may  develop  gastroenteritis  and  require
The baby should be allowed some say  in how much  food s/he needs. Carers will generally be advised by  the
hospital or baby health clinic how much  to offer  the baby  (calculated according  to weight), but  just as breastfed
babies have different needs that can vary from feed to feed, so too do bottle-fed babies. Mothers often feel that the
baby should finish the last drop in the bottle. But within reason, babies can generally be relied upon to assess their
own needs quite satisfactorily.
Just as with breastfed babies, it is generally considered best to feed a baby as and when they are hungry. In the
first  few weeks  this may be at  irregular and  frequent  intervals.  It  takes about  three or  four hours  for a  feed  to be
digested,  and  as  the  baby's  digestive  system matures,  signs  of  hunger will  normally  settle  down  into  a  regular
The rate at which babies feed also varies. Some like to gulp down their formula, while others like to take things
easy. The rate of feed can upset a baby if it is too fast or slow for its liking. Teats with different hole sizes can be
purchased, and a small hole can be enlarged with a hot needle. Frequent breaks  from  the bottle during a  feed  in
order  to  let a burp come up and  the milk go down can also smooth  the progress of  the  feed and avoid stomach
discomfort afterwards.

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