Tuesday, October 16, 2012


A cytomegalovirus  (CMV)  infection  is an extremely common viral  infection affecting between 10% and 25% of 
the entire population at any one time. Infection rate may be in excess of 80% in homosexual men. It may be a
serious  illness  in  patients  who  have  reduced  immunity  due  to  treatment  with  cytotoxic  drugs  for  cancer,
suffered other serious illnesses, are anaemic, suffering from AIDS or other immune affecting diseases, or who are
extremely run-down from stress or overwork.
The virus passes from one person to another in saliva or as droplets in the breath, but may also spread through
blood  transfusions  or  sexual  contact.  In  all  but  a  tiny  percentage  of  infected  people,  there  are  absolutely  no
symptoms,  and  they  appear  and  feel  totally  well.  Adults  with  reduced  immunity  develop  a  fever,  headaches,
overwhelming tiredness, muscle and joint pains, enlarged lymph nodes and a tender liver. In patients with severely
reduced immunity, pneumonia and hepatitis may develop. 
If a pregnant woman with reduced  immunity acquires a significant CMV  infection, her baby may be affected  in
the womb and be born with  liver damage  (jaundice), enlarged  liver and spleen, poor ability  to clot blood, bruises,
intellectual disability, and one in six are deaf.
The  infection can be detected by specific blood  tests, and  the virus may be  found  in sputum, saliva, urine and
other body fluids.
There  is no specific  treatment. Aspirin and/or paracetamol are used  to control  fever and pain, and prolonged
rest is required for recovery. It is not necessary to exclude children from school.
An  uneventful  recovery  is  expected  in  normal  patients.  In  immune  compromised  patients,  pneumonia  and
hepatitis may be fatal.

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