Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or cot death is the sudden unexpected death of an apparently normal
healthy child  in whom a subsequent detailed post-mortem examination reveals no cause  for  the death. A baby  is
put to bed and some hours later is found dead. There is no evidence of disturbed sleep and no cry is heard.

 It affects two out of every 1000 children between the ages of one month and one year. 
The cause is unknown, but there are many theories. It is not infectious or contagious, nor are the deaths due to
suffocation, choking or allergies. It occurs in both bottle and breastfed babies and there is no relationship between
immunisation  and  cot  death.  There  is  no  evidence  that  vitamins,  dietary  supplements  or  any  medication  can
prevent the syndrome. If one baby in a family dies from cot death, there is some evidence that subsequent babies
are at a higher risk. Another theory implicates high body temperatures due to over wrapping or dressing a baby, so
that the baby cannot sweat effectively.
 Babies who sleep  face down are more susceptible  to cot death, and  it  is strongly  recommended  that babies
should never be placed on their stomach to sleep.
It  is  imperative  that  the parents  receive adequate and  immediate counselling by  trained professionals as  they
develop an acute sense of guilt, thinking that they are in some way responsible, and fear that someone will blame
them  for  the death of  their child due  to neglect or mistreatment, but  this  is not so. Other children  in  the  family will
also be affected because they are often unable to understand or accept the tragedy. 
Some parents have found their child on the verge of death, lying blue in the cot and not breathing, and rousing
them has started breathing again. After such an event, affected babies can be monitored by a sensing device that
sounds an alarm  if breathing stops  for more  than a  few seconds. Only a very select group of  infants  require  this
type of care.
Interestingly,  the  incidence of cot deaths halved  in  the decade between 1990 and 2000, but  the  reason is not

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